Adventist Identity (Pr Mark Finley)
Johnny Wong
Course Overview
Problems we face in local churches:
How do we motivate our members to serve and witness for God? We hear the excuses that they do not have time, or simply not available in their busy lives. Ministry is a volunteer-based organization and as such there is no way to compel others to serve.
How this course will help you?
There is a driver that can help mobilize the church members. One of the most important driver is the uniqueness of the Adventist message. If Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) do not have a compelling reason for existence and is merely just another denomination, why would anyone be excited share?
What you will learn from the course?
In this course, you will learn from Pr Mark Finley about the uniqueness of the SDA message and we entitled this course as “Adventist Identity”. He based his teachings on the key chapters in the Book of Revelation. New insights and exciting journey awaits you! Once you learnt these lessons, you can use it to teach others to motivate them.
What is the format of the course?
You will complete
- 10 videos of teaching by Pr Mark Finley
- 9 Quizes to be completed to unlock next lesson (simple 3 question quiz 🙂
- We strongly encourage you to take sufficient notes that you can use it to teach others!
What You'll Learn?
- You will learn why you are a SDA believer and what is the unique value proposition you can share to the world.
- If you are brought up in the SDA church, this course is a MUST for you.
- If you came into the SDA church, this course will GROUND your faith.
- Read Revelation 10 - 22 to prepare for these lessons by Elder Finley
- Follow-up Studies are found here:
Course Content
Adventist Identity
Lesson 1
2 - Overview and Importance of Revelation Part 2
00:28:00 -
Lesson 2
3 - Revelation 10 & Prophetic Movement
00:29:00 -
Lesson 3
4 - Revelation 10 & Great Disappointment
00:30:00 -
Lesson 4
5 - Revelation 14 & Three Angels Messages
00:30:00 -
Lesson 5
6 - Revelation 15 and 16 & Seven Last Plagues
00:06:00 -
Lesson 6
7 - Revelation 17 & Fall of Babylon
00:51:00 -
Lesson 7
8 - Revelation 13 & The Counterfeit (Part 1)
00:31:00 -
Lesson 8
9 - Revelation 13 & The Counterfeit (Part 2)
00:37:00 -
Lesson 9
10 - Revelation 18 and 19 & Closing Scenes